



  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic of “Idol Worship/Internet Celebrity/over packaging”.



  Idol worship has become one of the most important representatives of popular culture in China. The past several years have seen the idol worshipping craze. Fans crazily pursue their idols in drama, movies, or live music concert. As a result, this phenomenon becomes increasingly evident and eye-catching, which definitely plays a role in students’ growth.

  There are several reasons behind this trend. The primary factor lies in education system. Nowadays, school pay much attention to students’ studies and exams, but overlooks their psychological statue. Therefore, students have to look for their role model in real life. Secondly, it is the mass media that should be blamed. Pop singers and all the other entertainers always present their glamorous appearance and personality that young people desire to have. However, young people are just not mature enough to tell fact from fiction.

  There is much controversy over whether this tendency is a boon or a bane. As far as I am concerned, it is just like a double edged sword. Excessive worshipping could only lead to undesirable consequences. One should pay much more attention to his study and work.


  idol worship 偶像崇拜

  excessive packaging 过度包装

  TV commercial 电视广告

  celebrity endorsement明星代言

  Internet celebrity 网红

  brand reputation 品牌声誉

  image building 建立形象

  pirated products盗版商品

  fake commodity 伪劣商品

  protect the wildlife 保护野生动物

  reserve water resource 保护水资源

  aging/ageing population 老龄化人口

  one-child policy/birth control 计划生育





最新游戏花边 频道推荐
上海暴雨消防紧急排涝 居民生活逐步恢