



  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “On a Harmonious Dormitory life”.

  点评:这类题目常考的,在提供几个类似题目以供参考“Attend Your Classes Regularly”(经常去上课),“Students’ Rating of Their Teachers”(学生给教师评分),“the importance of Discussion on class”(课堂讨论的重要性), “how to maintain friendship”(如何保持友谊)


  Campus life tends to be colorful and interesting, and one can live to the fullest every day. However, personal relationship sometimes exerts a huge impact on our life on campus, especially that with roommates. Consequently, it is generally accepted that the harmony in dormitory plays an essential role.

  There are several reasons accounting for the importance of maintaining a good friendship with roommates. To begin with, a good roommate can help you in many ways. For example, I sometimes forget to take the key to the room with me, and my roommate Gao Wei always kindly offers his help. Before the exam, we usually study together and discuss some challenging questions. Furthermore, with a harmonious atmosphere in the dorm, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. We can encourage each other and enjoy being together.

  To create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life, there are several approaches. The most important one, from my point of view, is that we have to be tolerant to each other. Everyone has different backgrounds and we should show our respect to others.





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