





The Qinghai-Tibet Railway is the highest and longest plateau railway in the world with a total length of 1,956 kilometers, 960 kilometers of which are over 4,000 meters above sea level, which is the first railway connecting Tibet and other parts of China. As the railway traverses the most fragile ecosystem in the world, ecological protection measures have been taken during and after the construction to make sure that it becomes a "green railway". The Qinghai-Tibet railway has greatly shortened the travel time between mainland China and Tibet. What's more, it has greatly promoted the economic development of Tibet and improved the life of local residents. After the operation of the railway, people in mounting numbers choose to travel to Tibet by train so that they could enjoy the beautiful scenery along the route.


1. 青藏铁路是世界上最高最长的高原铁路,全长1956公里,其中有960公里在海拔4000多米之上,是连接西藏和中国其他地区的第一条铁路。


青藏铁路 the Qinghai-Tibet Railway;

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway is highest and longest plateau railway of the world with a total length of 1,956 kilometers, 960 kilometers of which are over 4,000 meters above sea level, which is the first railway connecting Tibet and other parts of China.

2. 由于铁路穿越世界上最脆弱的生态系统,在建设期间和建成后都采取了生态保护措施,以确保其成为一条“绿色铁路”。

可使用as 引导的原因状语从句,主句内部使用被动语态。

As the railway traverses the most fragile ecosystem of the world, ecological protection measures have been taken during and after construction to ensure that it becomes a "green railway".

3. 青藏铁路大大缩短了中国内地与西藏之间的旅行时间。


缩短 shorten;

The Qinghai-Tibet railway has greatly shortened travel time between mainland China and Tibet.

4. 更重要的是,它极大地促进了西藏地经济发展,改善了当地居民地生活。


促进 promote; 当地居民 local residents

What's more, it has greatly promoted the economic development of Tibet and improved the life of local residents.

5. 铁路开通后,越来越多的人选择乘火车前往西藏,这样还有机会欣赏沿线的美景。

越来越多的人可使用介词短语in mounting numbers进行表达,以及使用so that 引导的结果状语从句。

After the operation of the railway, people in mounting numbers choose to travel to Tibet by train so that they could enjoy the beautiful scenery along the route.



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