



每年一度的大学英语四六级考试在2020“虽迟但到”。那么我们来跟随文都教育对此次考试题目中的作文项目进行一个深度了解。我们这次拿到的话题是 非常贴合实际生活的在线词典、PPT以及在线图书馆,当然从题目本身也可知此次作文主要考查学生的立意和论述角度与立场。所以,我们来看看文都老师在拿到真题之后给出的范文,以供参考。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on online dictionaries. You can start your essay with the sentence "Online dictionaries are becoming increasingly popular." You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Online dictionaries are becoming incresingly popular. More and more students consults online diggerent dictionaries in their computers or other digital ways rather than use a traditional cumbersome paper dictionary through looking up a word from millions of vocabularies.

The reaons why we prefer online dictionaries are presented in three respects. First, online dictionaries can save us plenty of time. And consulting online dictonaries is a convient way for us so that we can effortlessly and quickly find the required word at all times and places. Besides, online dictionaries can be updated timely.

In conclusion, online dictionaries are becoming an inevitable part of our daily life as one of the greatest inventions in modern world. We can not only enhance the efficiency of searching words but also stimulate the technological development.






Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the use of PowerPoint (PPT) in class. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


The use of PowerPoint (PPT) is becoming increasingly popular in class. Teaching materials are presented by many teachers in class with the convenience of PPT, which has been an inevitable part of school life throughout the world.

The reasons why teachers prefer using PPT as a subsidiary teaching method instead of writing on those traditional blackboards are demonstrated in the following three aspects. First, applying PPT as an approach to present knowledge can save both teachers and students plenty of time for other required parts in class. Moreover, teaching students through PPT is so convenient that teachers can effortlessly and quickly show and change the knowledge only by pressing the remote-controller. Besides, PPT can easily store more information in the digital way, so that teachers can give students the knowledge already learned for review.

In conclusion, PPT has become one of the greatest inventions in this modern world. Teachers can not only enhance the efficiency of sharing knowledge in class but also enjoy the accompanying diversity brought by this more vivid method.






Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on Online libraries. You can start your essay with the sentence "Online libraries are becoming increasingly popular." You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Online libraries are becoming increasingly popular. More and more people read books and consult required contents with their mobile phones and computers for information necessary for their study.

The reasons why we prefer online libraries rather than traditional offline ones are presented in the following three aspects. First, online libraries are so convenient that we can effortlessly and quickly search for information needed at any time and place just by applying digital devices. Moreover, reading through them can save us plenty of time for other things. Besides, online libraries generally store various books due to the unlimited space that updated in time.

In conclusion, online libraries are one of the greatest inventions in this modern world. We can not only enhance the efficiency of acquiring information and knowledge but also enjoy the technological innovation.



我们之所以喜欢在线图书馆而不是传统的线下图书馆,原因主要有以下三个方面。首先,在线图书馆非常便利,我们可以毫不费力地、快速地在任何时间和地点通过数字设备搜索所需信息。而且,使用在线图书馆可以为我们节省很多时间去做其他事情。此外,在线图书馆由于空间无 限,及时更新,一般都会存储各种各样的图书。


以上就是文都四六级 英语老师为大家整理的2020年9月大学英语四级作文真题及参考答案(三套全)。(综合媒体报道)



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