




Paper cutting is a unique form of Chinese folk arts with 2000 years’ history. It probably originated in the Han Dynasty, following the invention of paper. From now on, it has gained popularity in many parts of China. Materials and tools used for paper-cut are simple: paper and scissors. Paper-cut works are usually made of red paper, because Red is associated with happiness in traditional Chinese culture. Therefore, Red paper-cut is the preferred decoration for doors and windows on wedding, The Spring Festival and other festive occasions.

① 剪纸是中国民间艺术的一种独特形式,已有2000年历史:从整个句子来看该句有两个谓语动词,即“是”和“有”,可做非谓语处理,将其中的“有着”翻译为with短语,即with 2000 years’ history, "是”则用be动词来表示。

还有另外一种处理方式,使用which 引导的非限定性定语从句 ,which has a history more than 2000 years.

“民间艺术”可译为folk art。

剪纸 paper cutting,paper cut 都是可以的

Paper cutting is a unique form of Chinese folk arts with 2000 years’ history.

② 剪纸很可能源于汉代,继纸张发明之后。

很可能 be likely to do;probably

源于 be traced back to;originate from

从此 from now on; from this time on; from then on

It probably originated in the Han Dynasty, following the invention of paper.

③ 继纸张发明之后: following the invention of paper;following 一词使用得比较巧妙,用ing的非谓语形式

④ 从此,它在中国的许多地方得到了普及。

得到普及: gain popularity, be popularized in

From now on, it has gained popularity in many parts of China.


材料和工具:materials and tools

用的 used for

Materials and tools used for paper-cut are simple: papers and scissors.

⑤ 剪纸作品通常是用红纸做成的,因为红色在中国传统文化中与幸福相联。

通常是用usually ,generally

与……相联 be associated with be connected with

Paper-cut works are usually made of red paper, because Red is associated with happiness in traditional Chinese culture.

⑥ 因此,在婚礼、春节等喜庆场合,红颜色的剪纸是门窗装饰的首选。

是……的首选可以用 the preferred decoration,也可用 the best choice

婚礼、春节等喜庆场合,使用 wedding, The Spring Festival and other festive occasions.

Therefore, Red paper-cut is the preferred decoration for doors and windows on wedding, The Spring Festival and other festive occasions.



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