


成长攻击速度: 3% → 2.25%

机械公敌 兰博

Base stats rounded. W bonus movement speed and shield decreased.

Cleaning up some stats to nice, clean whole numbers and pulling power out of his W defenses so he's not such a terror in the mid lane.


护甲: 30.88 → 31

攻击速度: 61.036 → 61

W 破碎护盾

额外移动速度: 20/25/30/35/40%(危险温度时30/37.5/45/52.5/60%) → 15/20/25/30/35%(危险温度时22.5/30/37.5/45/52.5%)

北地之怒 瑟庄妮

Now has bonus AS at level 1. Frost Armor now removed when damaged from all monsters and champions.

Cautiously buffing Sejuani. We're also removing some elements to her passive that feel unintuitive for most players and aren't capitalized on. If we proactively remove it now, we'll have more room to buff her in the future since pro players won't exploit the safety it brings.


额外攻击速度: 1级时0% → 1级时10%

被动 北地之怒

冰霜护甲移除: 受到来自史诗级野怪和敌方英雄的伤害时 → 受到来自所有野怪和敌方英雄的伤害时

涤魂圣枪 赛娜

Mist Wraith drop chance adjusted. Spoils of War now counts as kills, reducing drop Mist Wraith drop chance. E bugfix.

While we love Senna's flexibility as both a marksman and support, she's a little too strong as the former. We're adjusting the Mist Wraith drop chances to support her role as a support (say that 5 times fast).

被动 赦除

黑雾掉落几率: 不是被赛娜击杀的小兵20%,被赛娜击杀的炮车兵100% → 不是被赛娜击杀的小兵25%,被赛娜击杀的炮车兵1.67%

E 黑雾咒附

BUG修复:如果赛娜在技能持续时间内被击杀,被[E 黑雾咒附]伪装的友军不再变得不可见

腕豪 瑟提

Base health regen decreased. W cooldown increased; base damage decreased later.

Sett's been breaking some faces with ease. While stylish, he's not really getting put to the test. We're gonna give him the ol' 1-2 of nerfs, with a focus on making his Haymaker a challenge to get multiple rotations in a fight.



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